Southwestern Association of Naturalists Renal Structural Adaptations among Three Species of Peccary Author(s): Stam M. Zervanos Source: The Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Dec., 2002), pp. 527-531 Published by: Southwestern Association of Naturalists Stable URL: Accessed: 13-07-2015 05:48 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Southwestern Association of Naturalists is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Southwestern Naturalist. This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST 47(4):527-531 DECEMBER2002 RENAL STRUCTURAL ADAPTATIONS AMONG THREE SPECIES OF PECCARY STAM M. ZERVANOS* PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, Department ofBiology, Reading,PA 19610 * Correspondent: ABSTRACT-Severalmorphological characteristicsof the kidneywere studied to determine the degree of interspecificand intraspecificadaptation that mightoccur within3 species of peccary fromarid, semi-arid,and moist habitats.Paired kidneysamples were collected fromcollared (Tayassu tajacu), Chacoan (Catagonus wagneri),and white-lipped (T pecari) peccaries from habitats varyingin water availability.Two indexes for renal concentratingability,the relative medullary thicknessand relativemedullaryarea, exhibited highervalues for animals fromarid and semi-arid habitats than for those from moist habitats. Relative kidney mass also was higher for collared peccaries from dry environments.It was concluded that renal structuresare flexible in response to environmentvariation,and the differencesobserved were related to the adaptabilityof renal concentratingstructures. RESUMEN-Se estudiaron algunas caracteristicasmorfol6gicasdel rifi6npara determinarel grado de adaptaci6n interespecificae intraespecificaque pueden ocurrir en 3 especies de pecari de habitats aridos, semiaridos,y hfimedos. Se reunieron muestraspares de rifi6nde los pecaries de collar (Tayassu tajacu), del Chaco (Catagonus wagneri),y de quijada blanca (T pecari) de habitats que variaban en la disponibidad de agua. Dos indices que miden la habilidad renal para concentrar,el grosor relativomedular y el irea medular relativa,mostraroncifrasmaisaltas en los animales de haibitatsiridos y semiiridos que los de hibitats Tambi6n la masa renal relativafue hrimedos. mis alta para los pecaries de collar en ambientes secos. Se concluy6 que las estructurasrenales son flexiblescon respecto a las variaciones del medio ambiente, y que las diferenciasobservadas se relacionaron con la adaptabilidad de las estructurasrenales que sirven para la concentraci6n. The familyof peccaries, Tayassuidae, is composed of 3 livingspecies, the collared (Tayassu tajacu), the white-lipped (T pecari), and the Chacoan (Catagonuswagneri).Of the 3, the collared peccary has the widestdistribution,ranging from southwesternUnited States through Central America to northern Argentina and Uruguay. It inhabits a diversityof habitats,including deserts, semi-deserts,and rainforests. The white-lippedpeccary ranges from southern Mexico to southern Brazil and Paraguay.It inhabits primarily moist habitats, including most South American rainforests.The Chacoan peccary has a restrictedrange consisting of semi-aridhabitatsin Paraguay and northern Argentina (Sowls, 1997). In general the Chacoan peccary inhabits mesic habitats,the collared peccary xeric to moist habitats,and the white-lipped peccary primarilymoist habitats (Wetzel, 1977; Mayer and Brandt, 1982). Understanding the ecophysiology among the 3 species could furtherexplain theirdistribution and environmentaladaptation. An importantmeasure of environmentaladaptation is renal function. The relative medullary thickness (RMT) and the relative medullary area (RMA) are morphological indexes of the kidney's capacity to concentrate urine. The higher these indexes, the greater the kidney's capacity to produce concentrated urine (Brownfieldand Wunder, 1976). RMT is a relative measure of the lengthof the loop of Henle, corrected for kidneyvolume, and is, therefore, a measure of the abilityto generate an osmotic gradient within the renal medulla. Brownfieldand Wunder (1976) found a 0.80 correlationcoefficientbetween RMT and renal concentratingcapacity and a 0.99 correlation for RMA. Several other studies have shown both interspecific and intraspecific correlations between RMT/RMA and the degree of water stress in the environment,including 3 This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 528 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 47, no. 4 ullary regions were cut and sent to the Animal Disease Laboratory of PennsylvaniaState Universityfor processing into hematoxylin-stained and eosinstained slides. The number of glomeruli per microscopic field was counted in 10 differentfields of vision withinthe deep cortical region of each kidney section. All glomeruli thatwere only partiallyvisible withina fieldwere counted as one-halfa glomerulus. The glomerular density (number per mm2) was determined by dividing the average glomerular number per field by the area of the field of vision. In addition, within each field of vision, the 3 largest glomerular diameters were measured with a micrometer and recorded. This technique enhanced the chance of measuring the mid-saggitaldiameter of glomeruli. All indices for both kidneys were averaged for each animal. Thus, data fromeach kidneywere not MATERIALSANDMETHODS-Paired kidney samples independent observations, whereas data averaged from adults representing the 3 species of peccary fromeach pair were independent. This reduced the were collected from hunters at 5 differenthabitat variance and degrees of freedom for more conserlocations. Eighteen collared peccary samples were vative comparisons. A t-testshowed no difference collected from 2 desert (arid) locations in Arizona among male and female indices, thereforedata from (Fort Huachuca between 7 March and 16 March both sexes were combined. To factorout body mass 1986 and the 3-Bar Research Station between 4 in testing for interspecificand intraspecificdifferMarch and 27 April 1978). The annual precipitation ences in RMT and kidney mass, a 1-wayanalysis of at these 2 locations was similarand averaged 19 cm. covariance (ANCOVA), withbody mass as the covarTen Chacoan peccary and 5 collared peccary kidney iate, was used as described by Gabor et al. (1997). pairs were collected between 22 Julyand 4 August Because scaling equations for body mass were not 1977 fromthe semi-aridGran Chaco region of west- available for the other data comparisons, I utilized a ern Paraguay (average annual precipitation of 65 1-wayanalysis of variance (ANOVA) and tested the cm). Seven collared peccary and 8 white-lippedpec- differencesbetween means by post hoc Tukey tests cary samples were collected between 18 June 1998 for unequal sample sizes. All differenceswere conand 5 May 2000 fromprimaryrainforestin the Tam- sidered significantat P < 0.05. shiyacu-Tahuayoriver region in northeasternPeru. Annual precipitationin this region is 261 cm. RESULTs--Except for collared peccaries from Upon collection, the kidney samples were the arid deserts of Arizona, no difference (P = weighed, cut midsagittally,and preserved in 10% 0.37) in kidney mass, corrected for body mass, bufferedformalinsolution. RMT values were deterwas found among the 3 species (Table 1). A mined using the methods described by Sperber difference (P < 0.05) was found be(1944). Measurements of kidneytotal length,width, significant tween the arid-inhabiting collared peccaries and thickness and medullary thicknesswere made using a dial caliper. The medullary thicknessmea- and the other groups. Collared peccaries from surement was taken at the radial extension of the arid habitats had larger kidneys in proportion medulla fromthe tip of the renal papilla to the cor- to their body mass. When expressed relative to body mass, RMT ticomedullaryjunction. The original midsagittalcut was such that the maximum area of the medulla was values of peccaries from moist habitats (colvisible. All measurementswere made to the nearest lared and white-lipped) were significantly low0.1 mm. RMT was calculated as 10x medullarythick- er (P < 0.05) than those from arid or seminess/ (length X width X thickness)/3 arid habitats (Table 1). The collared and whiteRMA values were determined by the method defrom Peru's rainforest had scribed by Brownfieldand Wunder (1976). RMA was lipped peccaries RMT values of and 1.88, respectively,while 2.14 measured by placing a 5-mmgrid over a 2X photocollared and Chacoan peccaries from arid or of the bisected kidney and graphic enlargement measuring both the medullary and cortical areas. semi-arid locations had RMT values ranging The RMA value was obtained using the formula from 2.98 to 3.24. There was no significant difRMA = medullary area/cortical area. ference in RMT values within this range when Kidneysections containing both corticaland med- scaled for body mass. The same relationships species of the genus Sylvilagus (Heisinger and Breitenbach, 1969), ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) and 3 species of the genus Tamias (Blake, 1977), 2 species of Rattus (Yabe et al., 1985), 6 species of heteromyid rodents (Lawler and Geluso, 1986), feral hogs (Sus scrofa) (Zervanos and Naveh, 1988), and feral hogs and collared peccaries (Gabor et al., 1997). Thus, comparing the RMT/RMA values among the 3 species of peccary could reveal the degree of xeric and non-xeric adaptability at both the interspecific and intraspecific levels. In addition to RMT and RMA, this study also evaluated the value of glomerular size and density on renal adaptation. This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions renalstructural Zervanos--Peccary adaptations December2002 529 of3 speciesofpreccariesfrommoistto aridhabitats(mean TABLE1-Comparisonofrenalcharacteristics SD). + Collared Arizona n Body mass (kg) Kidney mass (g) RMT RMA Glomerular density(number per mm2) Glomerular size (diameter Rm) Habitat Annual precipitation (cm) 18 20.1 - 1.1 37.1 ? 6.9 2.98 + 0.48 0.57 0.07 _ 2.1 + 0.3 155 ? 7 Arid 19 Paraguay 21.9 29.1 3.23 0.55 5 ? 1.4 ? 5.7 ? 0.56 ? 0.05 2.7 ? 0.8 149 ? 21 Semi-Arid 65 were found using RMA values (Table 1). Using ANOVA, RMA values were significantly higher for peccaries from arid and semi-aridhabitats than for those frommoist habitats (P < 0.05). No significantdifferencewas found in glomerular density(number) among the 3 species (Table 1). There was no significantdifference in glomerular size among the 3 species (Table 1) except for the collared peccaries from Peruvian rainforests,whose glomerular diameter smaller (P < 0.05) of 117 [Lmwas significantly than that of the other groups. DIscussIoN-Renal structuralindexes such as RMT and RMA have long been used as measures of renal concentratingabilities in mammals (Brownfield and Wunder, 1976; Calder and Braun, 1983). Blake (1977) found that specimens of westernchipmunks ( Tamiasspp.) from drier habitats had higher RMT values than those from mesic habitats. By measuring urine concentrations,she found a direct correlation between the RMT values and urineconcentratingability.However,Beuchat (1996) challenged this relationship,arguing that because of the complexityof the mammalian kidney, renal structuralindexes (such as kidney mass, RMT, and RMA) have limited abilityin predicting renal function.Although I was not able to measure renal concentratingability,relationshipsbetween renal structureand habitat observed among the 3 species of peccary seem to implyfunctionaladaptations. In this study,both an interspecificand intraspecific correlation existed between environmental water availabilityand kidneystructural Chocoan Peru Paraguay 7 23.8 29.9 2.14 0.37 + + + ? 1.2 4.7 0.38 0.03 2.4 ? 0.9 117 + 6 Moist 261 34.2 34.5 3.24 0.58 10 ? 1.6 ? 5.0 ? 0.51 ? 0.07 2.3 ? 0.4 149 ? 22 Semi-Arid 65 White-lipped Peru 33.1 45.9 1.88 0.33 8 ? 1.3 ? 5.6 ? 0.37 + 0.04 1.8 ? 0.9 141 + 25 Moist 261 measures of relativemass, RMT, and RMA. Intraspecific comparisons of collared peccary samples from the rainforestindicated lower RMT/RMA indexes than samples from more xeric environments. The collared peccary RMT/RMA values from arid and semi-arid habitats did not differsignificantlyand were only slightlylower than the RMT value of 3.67 and RMA value of 0.62 reported by Gabor et al. (1997) forcollared peccaries fromsemi-arid habitats in Texas. However, comparing the 3 groups of collared peccaries, peccaries from dry desert habitats had relativelylarger kidneys.Thus, kidneysize also seems to play a role in renal adaptation and may be an important adaptation to dry environments.Similar intraspecificrelationshipshave been shown in other studies. In addition to Blake's (1977) studyon chipmunks,Zervanos and Naveh (1988) demonstrateda direct relationshipbetween the degree of environmentalwater stressand RMT/ RMA values in feral hogs. Blake (1977) reported a direct relationship at the interspecificlevel between ground squirrels and chipmunks. My results also show interspecificrelationships of renal indexes and water availability.The Chacoan peccary and collared peccaries fromsemi-aridhabitatshad similar RMT/RMA values. The Chacoan peccary is restrictedto the relativelysmall distribution withinSouth America's Gran Chaco. Although our specimens were froma region that receives 65 cm of rain annually,the annual precipitationwithinthe Chacoan peccary's distribution ranges from 40 to 140 cm (Wetzel, 1977). It is possible that Chacoan peccaries This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 530 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 47, no. 4 from dryer or wetter habitats would demon- is unclear (Heisinger and Breitenbach, 1969). stratesimilarintraspecificdifferencesas those Lawler and Geluso (1986) found local variafound for the collared peccary. The white- tion in renal morphology of heteromyid rolipped peccary would seem to be the least xe- dents and attributedit to sensitivityof renal ric-adapted as measured by RMT, RMA, and function to differencesin microhabitats.This kidney mass. Other investigatorshave found typeof phenotypicplasticityalso was observed similar interspecificrenal adaptations to envi- by Zervanos and Neveh (1988), who found ronmental conditions, including various spe- that the degree of environmentalwater stress cies of Sylvilagusby Heisinger and Breitenbach during growth and development influenced (1969), sympatricspecies of heteromyid ro- the renal morphologyin feral hogs. Gabor et dents by Lawler and Geluso (1986), and 2 spe- al. (1997) found thatyoung collared peccaries cies of Rattusby Yabe et al. (1985). As withthe growingunder drought conditions had higher intraspecific relationships, interspecific rela- RMT values than those from the same area tionships also are present between the degree growing during a rainy year. In the present of environmentalwater stressand renal struc- study,in addition to the interspecificand inture. traspecificdifferencesobserved, the degree of In this study,measures of glomerular size variance in the RMT and RMA values, as meaand densitydid not appear to be usefulin eval- sured by the standard deviation (Table 1), uating kidney function. Glomerular density seemed to be greater for animals from arid among the 3 species did not correlatewithen- and semi-arid habitats and smaller for those vironmentalwater availability.Glomerular size frommoist tropical habitats.This would be exvaried inverselyto the availabilityof wateronly pected, because arid and semi-aridhabitatsexin the collared peccary. Small glomeruli are pose the peccaries to a more heterogeneous present in human kidneyswith low functional array of both spatial and temporal microclidemands and significantly largerglomeruliare mates (in terms of temperature and water in with kidneys high demands (Wil- availability)than do tropical rainforests.Howpresent trakis,1972). Red kangaroos (Macropusrufus), ever, F-distribution analysis indicated that withhigher renal concentrationdemands than there was no significantdifference(P = 0.17) other kangaroos,have higherglomerularfiltra- between these standard deviations, possibly tion rates (GFR) that correlated with the oc- due to small sample sizes. The effectof habitat currence of larger and more numerous gloheterogeneityon structuralvariationswarrants meruli (Denny and Dawson, 1977). However, further investigationwith larger samples, and Zervanos and Naveh (1988) found that feral it might furthersupport the contention that hogs frommore xeric environmentshad small- the length of the loop of Henle has a high er glomeruli than those from less xeric envisensitivityto environmental variation, which ronments. In addition, Abdulla and Abdulla mightdecrease the degree of heritabilityin re(1979) compared the camel (Camelusdromedar- nal concentratingabilities. ius) withother mammals and reported thatthe It is apparent that in many mammals, renal number and size of glomeruli did not have a structure is flexible in response to environdirect influence on the abilityto produce con- ment variation. Clarifyingthe adaptive significentrated urine. In peccaries, it would appear cance of this flexibilityin termsof genetic inthat glomerular size and number are less imfluence and links to functionwould provide a portant to renal adaptation than is the length better understanding of renal physiologyand of the loop of Henle (as measured by RMT) its ecological significance. or relativekidneymass. This studyfurthersupports the relationship The authorwishesto acknowledgethe valuable between kidneymass, RMT, RMA and the enassistanceof Dr. J.J.Mayerforthecollectionofthe vironment. Changes in water availabilityap- Chacoan peccarykidneysamples;J. Dayand S. Belfit pear to provide a selection pressure for adap- for the collectionof the collared peccarykidney tation. However, relating renal structure to samplesfromArizona;Dr. R. Bajema and R. Flores function needs more empirical studies. In ad- Lozano for the white-lipped and collaredpeccary dition, the degree of genetic versus environ- samples from Peru; and J. Brown for assistance in mental influence on this phenotypicvariance the kidneyanalysis.Also, a special thanksis given to This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions December2002 renalstructural Zervanos-Peccary adaptations Drs. T. Gabor and C. Salsburyfortheirreviewof the manuscript. LITERATURECITED ABDULLA,M. A., AND O. ABDULLA.1979. Morphometric observations on the kidney of the camel Camelusdromedarius. Journal of Anatomy129:4550. BEUCHAT,C. A. 1996. Structure and concentrating ability of the mammalian kidney: correlations withhabitat.AmericanJournal of Physiology271: 157-179. BLAKE,B. H. 1977. The effectsof kidney structure and the annual cycle on water requirements in golden-mantled ground squirrels and chipmunks. Comparative Biochemistryand Physiology [A] 58:413-419. BROWNFIELD,M. S., AND B. A. WUNDER. 1976. Relative medullary area: a new structuralindex for estimating urinary concentration capacity of mammals. 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Journal of Experimental Zoology 247:285-288. 22 May 2001. Accepted18 October2001. Submitted AssociateEditorwas CheriA. Jones. This content downloaded from on Mon, 13 Jul 2015 05:48:12 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions