British Food Journal Business model configuration and dynamics for technology commercialization in mature markets Serena Flammini, Gabriella Arcese, Maria Claudia Lucchetti, Letizia Mortara, Article information: To cite this document: Serena Flammini, Gabriella Arcese, Maria Claudia Lucchetti, Letizia Mortara, "Business model configuration and dynamics for technology commercialization in mature markets", British Food Journal, Permanent link to this document: Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Downloaded on: 09 October 2017, At: 12:26 (PT) References: this document contains references to 0 other documents. 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The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation. *Related content and download information correct at time of download. Business model configuration and dynamics for technology commercialization in mature markets Introduction Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Well established industries represent core sectors of the international economy (Caiazza, 2015). The configuration of these industries presents challenges for new entrants. The food and drink industry for instance is known to be historically characterized by well-established dominant designs, great fragmentation and low-tech innovation rates (Manzini, et al., 2016). It comprises few very powerful multinational incumbents, but most companies in the sector are small and medium enterprises (about 99% of the market according to Food Drink Europe, 2015). Hence, the food industry is regarded as a complex industry where potential new entrants have to face high entry barriers and need to cope with the constant changing demands of the customers (Bigliardi & Galati, 2013; Caiazza, 2015; Chesbrough & Crowther, 2006; Fortuin & Omta, 2009; Manzini, et al., 2016; Swaminthan, 1998). To face these challenges, new entrants need to innovate. Technological innovations that can bring great changes into the industry and that would help firms meet and exceed the customers’ expectations could provide a great opportunity for new entrants to access the sector. 3D printing technologies could indeed provide such advantages and support an increased rate of product customization (Jia, et al., 2016). However, introducing these technologies and innovations into a mature and potentially conservative market brings high uncertainty for new entrants. Scholars have highlighted that the capability to innovate the commercialisation processes, through collaboration with others and through the identification of the most suitable approaches (i.e. strategy and business models) to commercialise the new products, might increase the chances to penetrate a sector. For new entrants, technology development and commercialisation are often impossible to achieve in isolation (Maine & Garnsey, 2006). Collaborations with partners are not just needed for developing an innovation (Chesbrough, 2003), but also to assemble the complementary elements (e.g. other products, technologies or services) necessary for delivering value from the technology to customers (Vanhaverbeke & Chesbrough, 2014). Hence, the capability to innovate the business model (BM) is a key skill to enable new entrants to commercialise their technologies (Massa & Tucci, 2013) through which a firm can maintain viability and ensure to have a unique competitive advantage for a mature industry (Cortimiglia, et al., 2016). Therefore, both the firm’s approach to openness and to the innovativeness of the BM can provide great contribution in the firm’s ability to actualize its strategy and, therefore, commercialise its innovation. However, despite the importance of these innovation processes in enabling the commercialisation of an emerging technology in an established market, we still lack a complete understanding of the business model Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) dynamics which support this commercialisaiton process. So, following Caiazza (2015) and Probert et al. (2013), this paper asks "how do companies change the business model when they attempt to exploit an emerging technology in an established industry?". In response to this question, we started assembling a framework that describes what we know about the BM development in the commercialization process of emerging technologies, linking theoretical concepts from the technology commercialization literature with studies on strategy, (collaborative) business models and BM innovation. Then we observed an empirical case study, based on the experience of ITIS3D (a company that has started to exploit 3D printing in the education and moved towards the food preparation industry), which was used to improve the framework. From this case study we observed that: 1) companies could use more than one BM at a time; hence, the business model innovation processes (design and reconfiguration) could coexist and be run in parallel; 2) the facing of high uncertainty might lead firms to choose a closed and/or a familiar business model, while explorative strategies could be pursued with open business models; 3) significant changes in strategies during the technology commercialisation process (e.g. opening new markets) are not necessarily reflected in a radical change in the business model and 4) firms could deliberately adopt interim strategies and BMs as means to identify the more suitable ones to reach the market. By highlighting how new entrants innovate their BMI process to enter into an established environment, this work helps both practitioners and academics to understand how new ventures cope with the uncertainty linked to the penetration of an established industry. Background Innovation for technology commercialisation in established industries: evidences from the food industry The food industry is a mature industry of key importance for the global economy. It generates more than four trillion US dollars in annual retail sales (Global Food Industry, 2016) and in Europe it is the largest manufacturing sector, not only in terms of turnover (i.e. €1,244 billion), but also in terms of employment (i.e. 4.2 million people) and value added (i.e. 1.8% of the European value added) (Food Drink Europe, 2015). At Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) the same time, the food industry is also characterised by high level of heterogeneity in the types of enterprises, in the types of production, and in their retail and distribution organisations (Pellegrini, et al., 2014). The composition of this industry is characterised by the presence of just few large incumbents while the majority of the firms in the sector are small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which in Europe represent 99.1% of the sector . Given its complexity, new entrants have to face high barriers to entry and hence need to acquire the capability to promptly respond to the constant changing customers’ needs (Bigliardi & Galati, 2013; Manzini, et al., 2016) by becoming more innovative. Typically, new entrants in the food industry have been mostly focusing on product innovations, trying to meet and exceed the customers’ expectations (Bigliardi & Galati, 2013; Manzini, et al., 2016). 3D printing technologies, are emerging digital technologies that can provide an answer to this need. As personalisation and customisation of products is a main trend in customers’ demand across consumers goods, 3D printing technologies have the potential to allow the mass-personalization of food and packaging (Jia et al., 2016; Sun, et al., 2015). Hence, they have the potential to disrupt the existing food value chain, potentially representing business opportunities potential but also great uncertainty for new entrants (Porter, 1980). The technology commercialization literature suggests that ventures willing to commercialise new process technologies need to be able to innovate and adapt also the technology commercialisation processes to respond to the obstacles and uncertainties on the way (Maine, et al., 2012). Collaboration with other actors and the identification of the most suitable strategies and business models to commercialise their innovations can be of strategic importance (Vanhaverbeke & Chesbrough, 2014);Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010). However, despite the identification of the importance of these process innovation, there is still the need to clarify the dynamics that lead companies to access a mature industry based on the commercialization of an emerging technological innovation (Probert et al., 2013; Caiazza, 2015). The commercialisation of emerging technologies: the link between commercialization strategy and business models Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Past literature has taken a dual view of technology commercialization. Some see this as part of the innovation process (Burgelman, et al., 2004), others as part of the diffusion of innovations into the market (e.g. Nambisan & Sawhney, 2007; Nerkar & Shane, 2003). Datta et al. (2015) identified six main steps that lead the technological innovations into the market, based on three main phases of the innovation process: ideation, development and deployment (Teece, 1986; Teece, et al., 1997). Whilst ‘Ideation’ concerns idea generation, in the ‘Development’ phase the commercialisation strategies are defined. The ‘Deployment’ phase sees the firm’s strategy actualisation through the definition of a business model (i.e. a BM explains the target market and the appropriate value proposition, the resources needed and the placement of a firm in a value chain - Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010). The strategy literature suggests contrasting commercialisation strategies for new technologies. As highlighted by Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010), there are several types of market choices from which an entrepreneur can choose, such as: mass, niche, segmented, diversified and multi-sided. As initially highlighted in the studies on disruptive innovation, new ventures, that aim to commercialise innovation based on technologies with the potential to be exploited within the next 10 years (emerging technologies (Keenan, 2003), can easily achieve their competitive advantage without the pressure of the incumbents firms by taking up opportunities where the markets are not yet completely formed (Christensen, 1997; Davidow (1986); Christensen & Rosenbloom (1995) ) – i.e. they should prefer niche strategies. Nerkar & Shane (2003) take the opposite perspective, and recommend that new ventures develop intellectual properties in a way that could suit a wide range markets. Later, Lubik & Garnsey (2015) suggest that radical, generic technology-based ventures should select mainstream markets to get in, rather than niche markets, due to the presence of incumbent firms that can provide the resources needed by the new venture. The choice of the most suitable exploitation strategy according to Grant (2016) is instead linked to the resources and capabilities of the innovator firm . Specifically referring to established industries, he suggests that firms should exploit innovations through differentiation strategies (Grant, 2016). For new ventures difficulties lie in being able to choose among the great number of market options available (Maine et al., 2012), and in the considerable challenge that they face to gain access to the resources that are useful for their creations. Whatever the strategic choice, among the possible uncertainties in the commercialisation of a technology there is the commercialisation of other complementary technologies in Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) the present or in the future (Teece, 2010). Hence, technology-based new ventures, which are typically characterised by scarce resources and capabilities, are keen to reduce the risks generated by uncertainties through strategies that rely on the support of other players (e.g. outsourcing, alliances, and joint ventures i.e. collaborations) (Maine & Garnsey, 2006). Collaborations with other organisations can help new ventures share risks and therefore reduce the complexity (Chesbrough, 2003). Hence, Marx et al. (2014) and Marx and Hsu (2015) identified that new ventures who aim to commercialise their technologies, but lack resources and capabilities, can pursue their ideal strategy by adopting interim co-operative strategies to access the needed complementarities. This consists in developing a temporary, not ideal, sub-strategy, such as launching the product briefly on the market to test the technology and get proof of it. Once the firm has proved the technology, it can aim to build partnerships with incumbents in the market. By doing so, the firm can achieve its ideal strategy. As such, the strategy can be exploited in the ‘Development’ phase (CasadesusMasanell & Ricart, 2010). Independently from their experience, structural constraints, as well as cognitive biases also contribute to the complexity in the technology commercialisation, which can lead to high level of uncertainty (Gavetti, et al., 2012). A business model that allows an organisation to exploit its technological innovation (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Cortimiglia et al., 2016) represents its implemented strategy (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010). The BM is can be exploited in the ‘Deployment’ phase of technology commercialisation. Despite the wide range of definitions (e.g. Baden-Fuller & Haefliger, 2013; Henry Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Magretta, 2002; Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010; David J. Teece, 2010; Zott, Amit, & Massa, 2011), in general, BMs specify the key elements of the commercialisation strategy, as they represent an organisation's essential activities in simplified form (Teece, 2010). Overall, it is possible to distinguish two main approaches to the study of BMs: firm-centric (Magretta, 2002) and network-centric (Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002). A firm-centric approach characterizes BMs along three dimensions: value creation, value proposition and value capture. The network-centric view of BMs includes the company network (see fig. 1). This second perspective is consistent with an open firm’s strategy which has the advantage of increasing Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) firm's responsiveness to external influences (Vanhaverbeke & Roijakkers, 2013). It reflects how the firm collaborates with its ecosystem to develop and capture value (Massa & Tucci, 2013). In line with this view, Vanhaverbeke and Chesbrough, (2014) see open BMs as “the situations where the innovating company relies on its partners’ competencies to jointly create value for customers and share that value according to agreements they have negotiated prior to the collaboration”. Figure 1. Network-centric business model [figure 1 here] Adapted from Massa and Tucci (2013) The commercialisation of emerging technologies: the evolution of business models To navigate the complexity of the environment and successfully commercialise innovation, ventures need to be able to change and adapt their strategies and reflect these in their BMs. Thus, innovations do not happen only at the technology/service level, but also often occur at the BM level as starting point for innovating a firm’s strategy (Mitchell & Coles, 2003; Zott et al., 2011). Hence, the business model innovation can be seen as a comprehensive unit of analysis that allows managers/entrepreneurs to consider at the same time the most relevant endogenous and exogenous factors that would enable their organisation to achieve competitive advantages and better performances (Datta, et al., 2015; Velu, 2015). Several scholars understand BMI as an instrument to understand a firm’s evolution, change and transformation (e.g. Chesbrough, 2010; Cortimiglia et al., 2016; Demil & Lecocq, 2010; Dmitriev, et al., 2014; Hock, 2015; Johnson, et al., 2008). In fact, Schneider and Spieth (2013) argue that BMI has a positive influence on the firm’s ability to react to the continuous changes in the customers’ demand. In general it is agreed that the BMI process is cyclical (e.g. Achtenhagen, et al., 2013; Chesbrough, 2010; Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Demil & Lecocq, 2010; Dmitriev et al., 2014; Lubik & Garnsey, 2015; Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010; Simmons et al., 2013; David J. Teece, 2010) and involves two main phases, BM design and BM reconfiguration (Massa and Tucci, 2013). With similar meanings, Cortimiglia et al. (2015) refer to BM design, and BM development respectively. BM design (BMD) is usually associated with Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) the formation of new firms, and happens when an entrepreneur has to build, implement and validate a BM. BM reconfiguration (BMR) is the activity of improving BMs that already exist. This latter is typical of existing organisations. Dmitriev et al. (2014) see BMI as a complex system of interactions that leads to a new BM, through a series of virtuous cycles, and via “continuous process of conceptualizing value and organizing for value creation”. Sosna, et al. (2010) showed that, in a firm operating in a well-established industry, such as the food one, the achievement of new BMs occurs through a trial-and-error process. This was confirmed by Lubik and Garnsey (2015), for science-based ventures. To date, it has been hypothesised that these BMI processes (Design and Reconfiguration) are instigated by certain 'triggers' (discussed in the following section). What is known about the result of the BMI process (the 'outcome') is also summarised below. Whilst, according to Johnson et al. (2008), a BMI cycle happens after new knowledge is gained, Demil and Lecocq (2010) and Dmitriev et al. (2014), showed that the BM cycles can be triggered by several factors such as: the interaction between and within the BM components, the interactions across firm’s capabilities (e.g. market and technology) or inputs that come from the external firm environment. Generally, BMI triggers can be divided into three categories: external, internal and contextual (Demil and Lecocq, 2010). Internal triggers can be related to the effects of decisions that can affect the organizational system (e.g. decisions related to outsourcing a part of production). Changes in the BM can also be triggered by external factors such as changes to demand, new technological advancements or country-dependent environmental issues (Dmitriev et al. 2014). Ultimately, the dynamism of a BM can be launched by contextual factors, such as the nature of an invention, the specific team of employees and the target market (Dmitriev et al. 2014). As a result of a BMI process, new BMs emerge. The resulting shape of BMs can be classified to identify archetypes (Massa and Tucci, 2013) – i.e. a general example of a BM. An example is "the Razor-and-blade BM", which relies on ‘selling cheap razors to make customers buy its rather expensive blades’ (Zott & Amit, 2010, p. 218). Taking an internal view on the BMI process, the difference between a pre-existing BM and a new one has also been highlighted by several authors (e.g. Brink & Holmén, 2009; Demil & Lecocq, 2010; Velu, 2015): the more radical is the change in the BM component the more the resulting BM is radical. A conceptual framework in the commercialisation of technological innovation Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) A conceptual framework that synthesises the technology commercialisation (strategy and (O)BM) and the business model innovation (process, triggers and degree of innovativeness) of an innovation is derived from the literature and reported in figure 2. Fig. 2: Conceptual framework: business model innovation in the technology commercialization process [figure 2 here] In the case of emerging technologies, the commercialisation process can be complex due to high technology and market uncertainty (Maine & Garnsey, 2006). The process becomes even more complex if it focuses on emerging technologies entering into established industries, due to the high barriers to entry and to the market saturation (Manzini et al., 2016). Usually, emerging technologies are developed by new ventures (Maine et al., 2012) that have to choose their commercialisation strategies. For instance, new ventures developing the technology should choose their market. The most diffused options in the literature are niche (Davidow, 1986) or diversification (Nerkar & Shane, 2003) market strategies. This phase belongs to the ‘Development’ stage of the technology commercialisation process. The exploitation of the strategies is realised in the formation of a BM within the ‘Deployment’ commercialisation phase (Datta et al., 2015). To reduce the market and technology risks, and therefore the overall uncertainty, firms usually rely on collaborations, either to innovate (OI) and/or to commercialise (OBM). In this latter case, they assume a network-centric BM perspective with four BM dimensions (i.e. VProp, VCr, VCa and VNet). As several other scholars, we see the BMI as a cyclical process (see for instance (Chesbrough and Rosenbloom, 2002; Teece, 2010; Demil and Lecocq, 2010; Osterwalder, and Pigneur 2010; Chesbrough, 2010; Simmons et al., 2013; Dmitriev et al., 2014; Lubik and Garnsey, 2015). The BMI process belongs to the "Deployment" phase of the technology commercialization process (Datta et al., 2015), where each cycle is triggered by exogenous or endogenous factors. While for exogenous triggers we mean all the factors that lead, for instance, to a new market opportunity and to technological advancements, for endogenous triggers we refer to all the factors related to a cognitive perspective (Hock, 2015). Taking an internal BMI perspective (e.g. Brink & Holmén, 2009; Demil & Lecocq, 2010; Velu, 2015), in Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) the framework one or more triggers initiate a BM cycle, and will influence one or more of the BM dimensions leading to a new BM (BMn), whose degree of innovation (∆BM) will vary from incremental to radical (hence Incremental ≤ ∆BM ≤. Radical). The more dimensions (VCa, VCr, VNet, VProp) change in a BM, the higher is the degree of novelty (radicalness) of the new BM (BMn+1). The process of BMI can be interpreted as an iterative process either of BMD and sequentially of BMR or as a process of BMD and separately of BMR (Massa and Tucci, 2013). This process is continuative through the life of the firm, although there might be a time laps between cycles (Dmitriev et al., 2014). Once the BMI process ends, it results in a new BM that can assume various typologies and shapes (e.g. Aversa et al., 2015; Casprini et al., 2014; Cavalcante et al., 2011). Due to the complexity of the commercialisation of emerging technologies-based venture, firms can go through many cycles of development of their business model within the entire innovation process. As recently suggested by Lubik & Garnsey, (2015), emerging-technologies-based ventures usually go through a ‘trial-and-error’ processes of learning to develop their business model. These companies can encounter many triggers points that can start constant cycles of adjustments. Research gap: Whilst much has been highlighted about the possible strategic choices and the importance of BMI capabilities for ventures trying to enter an established market via the commercialization of a new technology (See Fig.2), examples of how companies respond uncertainties and external triggers by adapting their BM are still scarce. This work aims to add to this gap, by observing the evolution of BMs deployed by a venture which tries to penetrate the food industry with the commercialization of an emergent process technology (3D printing) and derive considerations which could deepen and add to the current theoretical understanding. Methodology Research design The gap identified is an example of complex, current phenomena of which not much is known. In these cases, Yin (2009) suggests that a grounded approach with employs a case study methodology is the most suitable to investigate such phenomena. More specifically, a single case study method can support Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) knowledge and theory building when it is used to extend the theory by determining if the theoretical set of circumstances (i.e. propositions) under study are correct or if an alternative set of propositions could be more suitable instead (Siggelkow, 2007; Yin, 2009). Single case studies are very useful in a variety of circumstances (Sigglekow, 2007) and have been particularly used in the BM literature as this is an emergent theoretical area. For instance, Demil and Lecocq (2010) used a single case study to illustrate their RCOV framework used to link the static (i.e. BM) with the dynamic (i.e. BMI) approaches to look at BM development. Sosna et al. (2010) used a single case study to analyse the triggers and the antecedents that spur a new BMI cycle. Tongur and Engwall (2014) focused on the analysis of the inter-links between technology and business model. Toward this end, they narrowed their analysis on a single project. Velu and Stiles (2013) used an in-depth single case study to analyse how companies manage the decision-making processes in the circumstances in which an emergent and an existing BMs have to run in parallel. All the above highlighted studies have used a single case study as this approach enabled the different authors to show a deeper level of details and understanding of a certain phenomenon. This is an aim not pursuable with other methodological approaches. We hence conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with one informant, asking him about past events (retrospective perspective), to test the suitability of the developed framework, and to identify advancement of this understanding. The interviews were supported by archival data analysis that included company documents, web news about the firm and the firm’s website. Sampling We observed a UK-based new venture born in 2009, ITIS3D. ITIS3D is a two people technology-driven company focused on the distribution of 3DP technologies in established industries. Its core business is in the education industry and only recently has ITIS3D considered approaching the food industry. ITIS3D represents a great example of a SME that has gone and is going through several business model cycles to access the food industry. The CEO of ITIS3D, was interviewed twice in 2016. He is a serial entrepreneur who has spent most of his working life in engineering as managing director of a business-to-business (B2B) distribution company, specialized in commercializing emerging technology-based industrial applications focusing lately on the Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) education market. The interviews were conducted face-to-face. Data were collected concerning the period starting from the firm’s birth to current times (2016). Aware of the possible cognitive biases that this kind of approach could encounter, additional secondary data and notes were collected as indicated above. The interviews were taperecorded and later transcribed. The first interview started with a brief account of the research project. Then open-ended questions were used to gain more details, such as: “tell me the story of your company? How has your business model been developing overtime?” (Minichiello, et al., 2008) The second interview focused on clarifying the understanding gathered from the first interview and on validation of the BM cycle analysis. Data analysis An inductive approach was adopted and a latent content analysis was performed (Mayan, 2009). This is described below. ITIS3D’s case has been analyzed through iterative phases. 1) We coded all the data, primary and secondary. This process was iterated several times, until a clear account of the BMs cycles emerged. 2) The data were categorized, according to BM building blocks and their constituent elements. Consistent with the Open BM literature, the presence of a value network was held to indicate the openness of the model. As such, we indicated as a “closed model” when the firm establishes a hierarchical relationship with suppliers and or customers. A "partially open model" was the case when the firm establishes a networked relationship, either on the supplier side or on the customer side. Otherwise an "open model" is the case when the relationship with both the supplier as well as the customers are networked. 3) The data were tabulated in chronological order, following the development of each business model cycle. 4) Broader themes such as the BM cycles, the BM changes and the BM strategy changes were derived (Mayan, 2009; Miles & Huberman, 1994). 5) After the analysis of the history of ITIS3D, we looked for patterns and mechanisms in ITIS3D business model dynamic processes. At the end of the analysis the observations derived from the case study were compared with the literature (Fig. 2). The evidence from the observations of the case were used to further develop insights captured in a new version of the theoretical framework (Fig. 4). Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Findings: ITIS3D history from a BM dynamics perspective Currently ITIS3D is a 3D printing distributor focussing on commercializing emerging technologies in niche segments of established industries. According to ITIS3D's CEO, this choice was determined by the commercialisation potential of this kind of technologies “it is where the biggest opportunities lie. [..] I want to do something that in 5 or 10 years will be very successful”. Background ITIS3D was born as a result of the failure of the firm where the founders were previously working. That company counted about 30 employees, but it unfortunately had to close, due to a misadventure with a fraudulent international partner. This firm operated according to a B2B distributor-based model for CNC and rapid prototyping equipment, as shown in table 1. Table 1. Previous firm business model archetype [table 1 here] ITIS3D Business Models Innovation process: archetypes and timeline ITIS3D BM archetypes variation is shown in table 2. BM 1: Distributor Model BM 1a: ITIS3D was founded in 2009 (at that time differently named), following the offer received by the founders to collaborate in the commercialization of a low cost 3D printer. The new firm was configured as low cost 3D printer B2B distributor operating mainly in the education industry. The firm mainly replicated the BM adopted in the previous (failed) company, but wanted to substitute its previous, transactional (closed), relationship with the manufacturer with one where the new opportunities of business were explored more collaboratively (sharing the risks). Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) BM 1b: About one year later (2010-2011), the 3D printer producer bypassed ITIS3D and decided to commercialise directly its product. So, ITIS3D decided to internalise the production of 3D printers. They hired a 3D printing designer to produce their own low-cost 3D printer for schools. This is a change in the value creation building block, from external to internal. This change had a brief life, as, according to the CEO: “Having spent a lot of our money on developing a product which failed, we then had no money and no product. So, the only way to continue the business was to find another external supplier. And at that point we didn’t rethink our business, we just were looking for a quick solution to get us back into business without having to close the company”. BM 0: Giving up the production of their own 3D printing machine as “It took 12 months longer, than he (the 3D printer designer) and we have anticipated. And by the time it was lunched, Chinese firms started coming into the market with machines that cost the same amount, but which are plug and play”, the firm reverted to the transactional-distributor model in the education industry (BM 0) for 3D printing equipment. BM1c: “We limped along” said the CEO. So, at the end of 2014, ITIS3D decided “trying to improve [their] existing business model [3D Printing technologies-based distributor], [..]. Always, again, looking forward to new products [..], thinking about new markets”. At this point they started proactively to consider distributing 3D printers in other industries. In 2014, ITIS3D's CEO came across a company that was producing a 3D printer that could be used to print food. This serendipitous finding spurred the following thought: “maybe there is an opportunity in food, because it is still very early stage for 3D printing in food. And there are a few competitors around the world”. Initially ITIS3D tried to replicate the same BM (BM1a) with the low-cost 3D printer producer (e.g. close collaboration in commercialising the 3D food printer), but so far, the 3D food printer producer prefers to maintain a more transactional relationship. BM2: Consultancy (service) Model BM2a: At the same time ITIS3D decided to revert to BM1a (2012-2013), they also decided to add a service BM on top of a distribution model. This new line of business was focused on delivering training and consulting in the education industry. The offering consisted in workshops to teach people how to use 3D Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) printers and related equipment. “So we have done lots of school projects, spent the whole day with the school, and we would teach to the group of people how to use designing 3D, scanning 3D and seeing the results of their designs appearing printed.” This change indicates an 'Outbound OI strategy' where the firm started capturing value from the expertise that they were giving away for free in the distribution model. “Instead of giving away a lot of intellectual property, which was knowledge about the market, knowledge about where the technology was going, knowledge about opportunities in the future. We started selling that”. BM2b: When in 2014 ITIS3D started considering new markets in which to sell 3D printers, the founders decided to expand the target market for the training and consulting activities in these industries too. In addition to the day workshop on how to use 3D printers, the firm started to offer lectures on the technology, the markets and the related potential business opportunities. BM2-1: The linked BM BM2b to BM1c: In the second half of 2015, ITIS3D bought a prototype food printer with the intention to investigate new business opportunities in the food industry for both their consultancy (BM 2b) and as a means to demonstrate the technology to customers interested in buying the 3D food printer (BM 1c). Since, at that time the printer was not yet ready for distribution, the firm decided to use their consultancy BM2b to sell to potential customers, who were interested in using 3D printers in the food market, the chance to collaborate in testing the market opportunity for such technology. The value capture element of this BM, would then be chosen after studying the potential customer business idea, depending on the interest of ITIS3D: “if we thought the applications, the opportunities, would be big enough, we would do the test ourselves. If we didn’t, they would have to pay us to carry out the test and see whether it could be done”. Despite the high interest that ITIS3D gained from the market, at the moment the work in this area is on hold, until the 3D printer will be finalised for distribution. Recently (2016), ITIS3D requested consultancy from MBA students in order to understand how they can implement and expand their BM. ITIS3D is “still trying to make a success of the same thing, but looking at different ways of making it happen”. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Fig.3 visualises ITIS3D BM evolutions and the related triggers of change . On the Y axis, it is possible to observe the market shifts, while on the X axis there is the time line. Figure 3 shows also the twofold BMI strategies adopted by ITIS3D: On one hand the BM evolution for the exploitation of 3DP within the education industry on the other, the BM evolution following the exploration strategy to enter new markets. Figure 3: Sequence of business model and change triggers [figure 3 here] Table 2: Business Model Innovation dynamics. Changed BM building blocks from previous version are highlighted in bold [table 2 here] BMI process: influencing factors and logics ITIS3D is a relatively new venture, where the CEO leads the BMI process when he sees potential in a new technologies/markets. The identification of new business opportunities often happened by chance (e.g. meeting people at workshops) rather than being deliberately sought in a structured way. “At the moment [the business development] is opportunity-based, rather than thinking ‘OK what are our core skills?”. Despite BM additions and changes, ITIS3D BM core structure has generally remained the same. For instance, when ITIS3D was founded, it was born in response to the forced closure of the previous business. The new venture started with the same BM archetype of the old company. The main differences where in the desire to change the network relationship with the technology producer for its commercialisation. According to the CEO, the main triggers that led to change are “usually exogenous. Other things are happening over which we have no control”. For instance, a change happened when ITIS3D switched from distributor to producer and vice versa. The first shift (BM1a - BM1b) was due to a decision by the printer producer to directly distribute its products. This led to changes in two out of the four BM building blocks Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) (see table 2 (i.e. VCr – VN)). The second ∆BM (BM1b - BM0) was due to the lead-time to internally develop a product, increased competition and lack in liquidity. Also here, the ∆BM involved the VCr, which however remained closed (the relationship with the new equipment manufacturer was kept transactional, following the desire of the equipment manufacturer). Another ∆BM happened when ITIS3D looked to expand its market areas (BM0 - BM1c), looking for new VPs, which could be supported through their products. This change originated from the lack of profits from one single market. VP change was the main variation also in the design of the consultancy BM. In the linked BM archetype, BM2b to scope new opportunities. ITIS3D would run the test for scoping a new market opportunity, without asking for compensation, when the CEO expected potential future codevelopment of opportunities. So the firm was using an outbound OI strategy to explore new areas of business (i.e. VCr and VCa are open). After six years of trial-and-error experimentations, the 3D printing-based distribution and consulting seems a formula for a stable source of income. “We would certainly continue with that core business”. However, the founders “are constantly on the look out to ‘how do we change our business model, in order to be successful?”. Discussion To date several studies have highlighted the importance of commercializing innovations through collaborations (e.g. Vanhaverbeke & Chesbrough, 2014; Massa & Tucci, 2013), by developing strategies (Grant, 2016; Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010) and business models (e.g. Dmitriev et al., 2014; Cortimiglia et al., 2016) in enhancing the ability of a new venture to face the uncertainty related to the commercialisation of a new radical technology in a mature environment. However, previous studies did not show how these innovation processes take place (e.g. Probert et al., 2013; Caiazza, 2015). This work aimed to contribute to this theoretical gap by providing empirical evidence on how business model change when companies attempt to exploit an emerging technology in established industries. To do so, we have looked at the history of a firm, ITIS3D (2009-2016), concentrating on the BM development loops. Secondly, the analysis focused on the most relevant elements underlying the BMI process, compared with those derived from literature (see theoretical framework in figure 2). Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) In the process of commercialising an emerging technology in an established industry, such as 3D printing in food, ITIS3D decides the market strategies during the ‘Development’ stage. In this phase, the firm under study tends to adopt differentiation strategies to explore new opportunities to get into the market, contrasting, with what was stated by one stream of the innovation literature (Christensen, 1997; Christensen & Rosenbloom, 1995; Davidow, 1986). However, this finding was concurring to the market entry strategies for commercialisation in mature industries (i.e. differentiation strategies), suggested by Grant (2016). To reduce the market uncertainty emerging when a new entrant attempt to enter an existing market with a new radical technology it emerged that, between the ‘Development’ and the ‘Deployment’ stage of the technology commercialisation process, ITIS3D develops interim strategies to identify the ideal one. Whilst this is partly in agreement with what highlighted by Marx et al. (2014) and Marx and Hsu (2015), according to which new ventures tend to develop interim strategies only to achieve the pre-defined final one, our observations contrast with these previous works. The reverse strategy process adopted by ITIS3D has been introduced with an opposed arrow to the one designed in the original framework. Figure n. 4: Implemented conceptual framework: business model innovation in the technology commercialization process [figure 4 here] ITIS3D's CEO claims he is “not wedded to any one of the businesses, methodologies, the monetisation ideas that we have adopted in the past”. However, in line with what is argued by the cognitive school studying BMs (Martins, et al., 2015), ITIS3D mostly developed its BMs based on their previous experience as B2B equipment distributors. This observation shows that potentially the entrepreneur sees only some of the afforded BMs – i.e. the tactical manifestation of the strategy (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2010). However, this is not immediately obvious to the entrepreneur. When the CEO of ITIS3D was asked why he was more or less following the same business model building blocks shapes/structure over the time, he answered that “I am trying not to. [..] (Before) it never occurred me." One explanation is the reduction of uncertainties. Faced with the complexity of both the market and the technology side (Maine et al., 2012), it is Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) conceivable that the firm would reduce the uncertainties by going back to BM archetypes that are familiar (e.g. this is what happened in the second BMI loop). Further changes were implemented to reduce uncertainties: ITIS3D CEO highlighted several times that “In terms of being inside of the company, owning the technology and having a stake in that company, those are two of the key things that I have learned in my working life that I want to have”. This emphasises the natural inclination to revert to the closed business models. Furthermore, as only some elements of the BMs were changed at any one time (VCr and VN was successively revised, whilst VCa model stayed mostly the same), it seems that not all the BM building blocks have the same relevance in the mind of an entrepreneur. If a new BM replicates the structure of an old BM, but for a new area of market, then a loop in the BMI process emerged (see the example in fig. 4 form BM2a to BM2b). This finding has been introduced into the BM framework. The case study also showed that BM reconfiguration (BMR), which typically is attributed to established firms (Massa and Tucci, 2013), also can be found in start-ups. Furthermore, the case shows how the BMI process, which typically describes the BMI phases (BMD and BMR) in sequential order (Zott and Amit, 2010; Dmitriev et al., 2014), is actually characterised by multiple repetitions and iterations of these two stages, and a firm develops its overall BM strategy running both types of BMI at the same time. Hence, both BMI processes (BMD and BMR) can co-exist for BM extension and revision (Cavalcante et al., 2011). Another finding emerged on the entity of the changes in BM (∆BM). The literature-based framework highlighted that the radicalness of a BMI would depend on how many building blocks change. According to what has been observed in ITIS3D's case (see table 2 and figure 3), the radicalness regarded the whole strategy (which moved from an exploitative to a broader explorative one (March, 1991), more than the BMs. The BM change, which this strategic shift initiated, was not, overall, a radical change. In other words, even important strategic changes (e.g. introducing a new line of business) do not reflect necessarily in a great ∆BM. Although this is not the focus of this specific research, the proposed framework could also help in explaining how companies learn and acquire dynamic capabilities (Teece et al., 1997) through repeated cycles of trial and error experimentation (Aldrich & Yang, 2014). Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Conclusions To understand how business models change when companies try to commercialise an emerging technology in established industries, this research followed three main steps. First, we built a conceptual framework from extant literature, which aimed to analyse the business model innovation cycles associated with the exploitation of emerging technologies. Second, we observed the data from the exploratory case study of ISIT3D (a firm, which has started to exploit 3D printing in the food industries) though the lens for the initial conceptual framework. Finally, we integrated the findings that emerged from this case study with the theoretical framework designed from the literature. Overall, this work contributes to advance the existing theoretical knowledge by showing how new potential new entrant in an establish market innovate in the process of developing their BM for the commercialisaiton of a new disruptive technology. The integrated framework identified also that: 1) More than one BMs can exist and the same time. Hence, BMI processes (such as BM Design and BM Reconfiguration) often coexist and are run in parallel. So far the literature on the BMI process separates the BM design (BMD) from the BM reconfiguration (BMR). The first is typically associated with new ventures, while the second with existing firms (Massa and Tucci, 2013). In contrast to the literature, this case shows that BMR can happen also for new ventures and that BMD and BMR can sometimes co-exist and run in parallel. These are important for firms to test the BMs whist entering an established and conservative market such as the food industry. 2) To face the market uncertainty a small firm could tend to adopt interim strategies and therefore BMs to identify the more suitable one to get into the market. The case of ITIS3D showed that to reduce internal uncertainty a firm could tend to adopt a closed and/or a familiar BM (e.g. establishing external, transactional-bases relationship with manufacturers) by closing the value creation (i.e. how the firm’s create value) aspect of the BM. However, this case study showed also that explorative strategies could be pursued by opening (e.g. establishing more collaborative relationship with potential partners) the value creation value proposition (i.e. the activity through which the firm aims to create and capture value) aspects of a BM, this allow a firm to share risks. This combination of BM approaches could allow a firm to survive (if not flourish) whilst searching a way to tackle a new market. 3) Even if significant changes in BM strategies are planned, these will not necessarily be reflected in the Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) radicalness of the new BM. By highlighting the above observations, this work can help managers to rationalize and review their BM development process for the commercialisation of their new technology, by showing how the BM could be configured during the commercialisation of an emerging technology in a mature industry. Similarly, it helps scholars appreciate that, although most literature often refers to a single business model and single strategies for technology commercialization, more can be combined and used to move forward in an uncertain transition. Specifically, from the case study of ISIT3D it emerges that the firm could adopt interim business models (i.e. open BMs to explore new opportunities and closed BMs in condition of internal uncertainty) to identify the more suitable one. Further, our observations could explain the incongruence in the suggestions from the strategic literature reported above and suggests that scholars might need to move from suggesting the "successful" strategies and BM configuration, whilst taking instead into account a more dynamic and contingent view which describes the process of sustainably determining the best BM configuration to reduce the uncertainties in the penetration of established markets. Therefore, these observations can be extended to new ventures aiming to enter in the food industry. This work is exploratory and has several limitations. Firstly, this is a single case study which has explored one instance of the phenomenon. 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Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Figure 1: Network-centric business model Value Proposition (customers; product/service offer; market segm Value Network (linkages; partners; suppliers; distribution chann Value Capture (costs; revenue stream & profit allocation) Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Figure 2: Conceptual framework: business model innovation in the technology commer t1 t0 Dev. Ide. Technology commercialisation (strategy & (O)BM) VP VN (Datta et al., 2015; Cortimiglia et al., 2016; Vanhaverbeke and Chesbrough, 2014) Strategy VCr VCa BM End. trigger En trig Design Reconfiguration Exo. trigger E tri Business model innovation (process, triggers & innovativeness) VP1 (Massa and Tucci, 2013; Demil and Lecocq, 2010; Velu, 2015; Brink & Holmén, 2009) VN1 VCa1 VC BM1 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Figure 3: Sequence of business model and change triggers Business opportunity BM 0 Education industry Too long manufacturing time Downturn producer BM 1a BM 1b B Company failure B Other industries Food industry t0 2009 2010/2011 2 Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Figure 4: Implemented conceptual framework: business model innovation in the techn t1 t0 Dev. Ide. VP Technology commercialisation (strategy & (O)BM) VN VCa (Datta et al., 2015; Cortimiglia et al., 2016; Vanhaverbeke and Chesbrough, 2014) Strategy BM VCr End. trigger Design Exo. trigger VP1 Business model innovation (process, triggers & innovativeness) BM1a VN1 (Massa and Tucci, 2013; Demil and Lecocq, 2010; Velu, 2015; Brink & Holmén, 2009) VCa1 VCr1 BM1 BM1b V BM1c VCr External manufacturers + internal knowledge VCa Margin on sold pieces of equipment. (The equipment were bought in advance and then re-sold at a higher price). VN Closed model - hierarchical relationship both with suppliers and customers BM1b Distributor of 3DP equipment for educational needs Internal production Margin on sold equipment (Buyers pay in advance) BM1a Distributor of 3DP equipment for educational needs External partner (3DP manufacturer) + internal knowledge Margin on sold equipment (Buyers pay in advance) VP VCr VCa BM 0 Margin on sold equipment (Buyers pay in advance) External manufacturers + internal knowledge Distributor of 3DP equipment for educational needs Distribution Margin on sold equipment (Buyers pay in advance) External manufacturers + internal knowledge Distributor of 3DP equipment for educational and other markets (e.g. food) needs BM1c Pay per time Internal knowledge Knowledge of 3DP technologies in education BM2a Pay per time Internal knowledge Technical/Market knowledge of 3DP in education industry BM2b Consultancy Linked Consultancy to open new markets BM2b BM1c Distributor of Technical/Market 3DP equipment knowledge of 3DP for educational as in education well as other industry - food markets (e.g. food) needs Internal knowledge External – or – manufacturer Networked with client Pay per test and advice Margin on - Otherwise – equipment sold Open (Buyers pay in (e.g. a percentage advance) on every sold product/service Table 2: Business Model Innovation dynamics. Changed BM building blocks from previous version are highlighted in bold BM 0 VP Distributor of CNC machining and rapid prototyping equipment for industrial and educational needs. Table 1. Previous firm business model archetype Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) VN Partially open model - Open only for VCr (collaboration with provider of equipment to identify new opportunities) Closed model Hierarchical relationship with material suppliers and customers Closed model Hierarchical relationship with equipment manufacturer, material suppliers and customers Closed model Hierarchical relationship with equipment manufacturer, material suppliers and customers Closed model Hierarchical relationship both with equipment manufacturers, material suppliers and customers Closed model Hierarchical relationship both with equipment manufacturers, material suppliers and customers Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA At 12:26 09 October 2017 (PT) Closed model Hierarchical relationship both with equipment manufacturer, material suppliers and customers – Otherwise – Partially open model - Open only for VCr (external client in building business opportunities) co-created) Closed model Hierarchical relationship with equipment manufacturer, material suppliers and customers